
render_view_to_response(context, request, name='', secure=True)[source]

Call the view callable configured with a view configuration that matches the view name name registered against the specified context and request and return a response object. This function will return None if a corresponding view callable cannot be found (when no view configuration matches the combination of name / context / and request).

If secure` is True, and the view callable found is protected by a permission, the permission will be checked before calling the view function. If the permission check disallows view execution (based on the current authorization policy), a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden exception will be raised. The exception’s args attribute explains why the view access was disallowed.

If secure is False, no permission checking is done.

render_view_to_iterable(context, request, name='', secure=True)[source]

Call the view callable configured with a view configuration that matches the view name name registered against the specified context and request and return an iterable object which represents the body of a response. This function will return None if a corresponding view callable cannot be found (when no view configuration matches the combination of name / context / and request). Additionally, this function will raise a ValueError if a view function is found and called but the view function’s result does not have an app_iter attribute.

You can usually get the bytestring representation of the return value of this function by calling b''.join(iterable), or just use pyramid.view.render_view() instead.

If secure is True, and the view is protected by a permission, the permission will be checked before the view function is invoked. If the permission check disallows view execution (based on the current authentication policy), a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden exception will be raised; its args attribute explains why the view access was disallowed.

If secure is False, no permission checking is done.

render_view(context, request, name='', secure=True)[source]

Call the view callable configured with a view configuration that matches the view name name registered against the specified context and request and unwind the view response’s app_iter (see ビュー callable レスポンス) into a single bytestring. This function will return None if a corresponding view callable cannot be found (when no view configuration matches the combination of name / context / and request). Additionally, this function will raise a ValueError if a view function is found and called but the view function’s result does not have an app_iter attribute. This function will return None if a corresponding view cannot be found.

If secure is True, and the view is protected by a permission, the permission will be checked before the view is invoked. If the permission check disallows view execution (based on the current authorization policy), a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden exception will be raised; its args attribute explains why the view access was disallowed.

If secure is False, no permission checking is done.


Return True if ob implements the interface implied by ビュー callable レスポンス. False if not.


This function is deprecated as of Pyramid 1.1. New code should not use it. Instead, new code should use the pyramid.request.Request.is_response() method.

class view_config(**settings)[source]

A function, class or method decorator which allows a developer to create view registrations nearer to a view callable definition than use imperative configuration to do the same.

For example, this code in a module

from resources import MyResource

@view_config(name='my_view', context=MyResource, permission='read',
def my_view(context, request):
    return 'OK'

Might replace the following call to the pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view() method:

import views
from resources import MyResource
config.add_view(views.my_view, context=MyResource, name='my_view',
                permission='read', 'route_name='site1')

The following keyword arguments are supported to pyramid.view.view_config: context, permission, name, request_type, route_name, request_method, request_param, containment, xhr, accept, header, path_info, custom_predicates, decorator, mapper, http_cache, match_param, csrf_token, physical_path, and predicates.

The meanings of these arguments are the same as the arguments passed to pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view(). If any argument is left out, its default will be the equivalent add_view default.

An additional keyword argument named _depth is provided for people who wish to reuse this class from another decorator. The default value is 0 and should be specified relative to the view_config invocation. It will be passed in to the venusian attach function as the depth of the callstack when Venusian checks if the decorator is being used in a class or module context. It’s not often used, but it can be useful in this circumstance. See the attach function in Venusian for more information.

See Adding View Configuration Using the @view_config Decorator for details about using pyramid.view.view_config.

class view_defaults(**settings)[source]

A class decorator which, when applied to a class, will provide defaults for all view configurations that use the class. This decorator accepts all the arguments accepted by pyramid.config.view_config, and each has the same meaning.

See @view_defaults Class Decorator for more information.

class notfound_view_config(**settings)[source]

An analogue of pyramid.view.view_config which registers a not found view.

The notfound_view_config constructor accepts most of the same arguments as the constructor of pyramid.view.view_config. It can be used in the same places, and behaves in largely the same way, except it always registers a not found exception view instead of a ‘normal’ view.


from pyramid.view import notfound_view_config
from pyramid.response import Response
def notfound(request):
    return Response('Not found, dude!', status='404 Not Found')

All arguments except append_slash have the same meaning as pyramid.view.view_config() and each predicate argument restricts the set of circumstances under which this notfound view will be invoked.

If append_slash is True, when the notfound view is invoked, and the current path info does not end in a slash, the notfound logic will attempt to find a route that matches the request’s path info suffixed with a slash. If such a route exists, Pyramid will issue a redirect to the URL implied by the route; if it does not, Pyramid will return the result of the view callable provided as view, as normal.

See Not Found ビューの変更 for detailed usage information.


This class is new as of Pyramid 1.3.

class forbidden_view_config(**settings)[source]

An analogue of pyramid.view.view_config which registers a forbidden view.

The forbidden_view_config constructor accepts most of the same arguments as the constructor of pyramid.view.view_config. It can be used in the same places, and behaves in largely the same way, except it always registers a forbidden exception view instead of a ‘normal’ view.


from pyramid.view import forbidden_view_config
from pyramid.response import Response
def notfound(request):
    return Response('You are not allowed', status='401 Unauthorized')

All arguments passed to this function have the same meaning as pyramid.view.view_config() and each predicate argument restricts the set of circumstances under which this notfound view will be invoked.

See Forbidden View の変更 for detailed usage information.


This class is new as of Pyramid 1.3.

class static(root_dir, cache_max_age=3600, package_name=None)[source]

Backwards compatibility alias for pyramid.static.static_view; it overrides that class’ constructor to pass use_subpath=True by default. This class is deprecated as of Pyramid 1.1. Use pyramid.static.static_view instead (probably with a use_subpath=True argument).